You are beautiful, dear stranger.

Dear whoever is reading this,

I don’t know who you are or what you are going through in your life but I just wanted to say that you are beautiful. We are all beautiful in our own special way, no matter what size, shape or color. And we all should truly feel comfortable in our own skin and confident with who we are. I know people tend to throw negativity in other people’s directions and that it isn’t right. Why is it so easy to be mean to each other but so hard to be nice? This post may get lost in this sea of posts but I hope that this will touch at least one person’s heart. You are beautiful, you are important and I am glad that you are alive because without you, something irreplaceable would be missing. I hope you have an amazing day, beautiful stranger.


A girl who is trying to spread a little kindness in this cruel, yet beautiful world.

Author: flauntingmyflawsome

Avid reader, lazy writer.

13 thoughts on “You are beautiful, dear stranger.”

  1. Thank you so much. I’ve been going through a hard time for the past few days and this really makes me smile.
    Today is the first day I was able to get out of the house not being afraid to have a breakdown and start crying or run away, or worse.
    thank you so much for writing this. People like you spread love, and that is one of the most important things in the world

    Lots of love ❤

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    1. I’m so glad it made you smile. I hope you feel better. There was a time when I needed affirmations but didn’t get it so I wanted others to get it. Spreading love equates getting love because you get what you give.
      Thank you xx

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